Is grass always greener on the other side?

Have you ever had a feeling that all the others have a life? Especially according to what they post on their social media apps.

Double that feeling when you are on a maternity leave. I remember the time when my first son was a baby. I was hooked on Facebook because it provided a social life. Sort of…

Now with this second son I have downloaded at least nine different SoMe apps on my iPhone and a few daily newspaper apps, too. That should get me entertained while feeding this newest geeklet in our Geek Empire. Well, I thought they would.

Our second son has not provided a challenge what so ever in his whole 4 months and he is the happiest little geek camper in the universe. After browsing these apps for several weeks, I started to get bored and jealous of all marketing people, who were NOT on a maternity leave. They have all the possibilities to learn new things and develop their professions every day while sipping soya lattes with their co-workers and clients. Hmm… Right?

Is this jealousy ridiculous? Definitely! Will I miss being with my sons when I go back to work? Absolutely! Do these marketers really learn new things during those hectic 8-12 working hours per a day? Well, do they?

Not necessarily. I have noticed that many people tend to go where the fence is the lowest. It helps when you need to make quick decisions and have the longest To Do list in the office, but it doesn’t put you forward in your profession.

And will the marketing world have changed drastically when I get back there in half a year? Well, I don’t know, but at this time, I’m meaning to follow it more closely and observing new things while I have time in my hands. And maybe getting a life of my own…

About Asta Hilppö

A geeky marketer mum with two young hobbits

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